Friday 5 October 2018

Thanks...and that back story

Did you watch The Apprentice this week? Is it just me or are the candidates (or editing) getting more rowdy? I watched with some surprise...but hey, I guess that's a reaction and it keeps the audience engaged!!

Cast your mind back - if you can - to 2011, Series 7 and a young lady called Susan Ma; she didn't win, but the story goes that Mrs/Lady Sugar liked the look of the Skincare products she was developing and asked to try some.

Susie was born in China - a very poor start - she and her mum moved to Australia aged 7, then England 5 years later. She struggled, helping her mum on a market stall setting up her skin care business aged 15, making body scrub in the kitchen at home. Her products were so popular that she was able to pay off her mum's mortgage.

Meanwhile, back at Al's gaff, Mrs/Lady Sugar liked the products...very much! In spite of not winning the programme, Lord S offered to back Susie's products, Topic Skincare. The rest, as they say, is history...Tropic offers over 100 products, has more that 10,000 Ambassadors (I'm one!!!)

Hope to have a launch party next this space and THANK YOU for reading so far...please do subscribe to make sure you stay up to date.


P.S. If you'd like to see some of Susie's story - follow the link

The original product, made by Susie aged 15 and sold in jam jars on Greenwich Market. 
As you can see, it's much more refined now!

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