Sunday 7 October 2018

Love Sundays ❤️

Hi everyone, Happy Sunday,

Today has been rather marvellous...a challenging, but fantastic, talk at church followed by lunch with one of my loveliest friends over from the Midlands for a couple of days, rounded off by a beautiful gig by a beautiful lady and her husband.

In a recent post I divulged that I’ve never really felt beautiful on the outside, well, there are definitely times when inner beauty seems rather lacking too.
Today I was reminded that, as someone who’s handed over the reigns of my life to God, Ive got to grab hold of the truth that I’m created in God’s image (so are you) but I’m still a work in progress. I’m not perfect...if anything I’m probably a bit too hard on myself...and I do let my opinion of myself get coloured by how others might see me. I think most of us are sensitive to negative opinions and personal criticism. I allow myself to hold on to negative feelings formed in the past instead of accepting God’s forgiveness and living in the now. I even sometimes feel ashamed or guilty about things over which I’ve no power or control, taking the blame for things I’ve not done!

So, while God continues to work on me, I’m going to work on believing that I’m a child of God, loved, forgiven, accepted and that that is wonderful.

Outer beauty is very much another work in progress.  My team leader has passed on a few more Tropic products to try while I await the arrival of my own sales kit. The skincare routine is simple and amazing ... only 2 days in and I’m noticing changes ... smooth, hydrated skin and the rings under my eyes don’t seem so dark. Keep watching this space!

Meanwhile, I’ve set a date for my launch party, Friday 27th my lovely friends who aren’t local, I should have my online shop ready to go then by then so there’s no need to miss out.

All things aside, G and I spent a great afternoon with my beautiful friend, B, and her hubby, D. We enjoyed a fab Sunday lunch, a dog walk and a lengthy catch up. It’s greatto have the kind of friendships that just pick up where they left off ... we figured it’s 2 years since we last met up...makes me wonder if lots of us don’t have wrong priorities?


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